Students With Friends has always had a plan for reopening, and now that we are finally reopening, we can put that plan into fruition.
These 2 tenets have been centered around reopening:
1. Many suffering students are interpreted as outcasts or view themselves as outcasts. Students who are alone at lunch and throughout the day are openly neglected by other students. Every student should have a friend, as many are unfortunately having their conditions worsened at school. By providing them with the means to make friends, many of these students have the potential to improve their mental health.
2. When distance learning ends and everyone returns to school, nobody sits alone at lunch or at school, as many of these students are victims of bullying or the underlying social crises that plague our schools.
Now with SUHSD schools committed to reopening, Students With Friends is proud to present its reopening plan!!!
Students With Friends is going to make sure every student has a place to sit at lunch. Many Florida high schools have incorporated organizations run by students in order to make sure that students do not sit alone at lunch. These programs have proven to work exceptionally at their schools, and we hope to allow Students With Friends to bring its own version into the schools where we are currently involved.
-- We will create clubs/organizations within schools made up of volunteers
-- These people will connect lonely students with each other
-- We will destroy lunchtime loneliness from our schools
-- We hope to have these clubs run independently within schools
-- We are counting on administration support in order to allow us to function
With everybody’s contribution, lunch will not be the worst part of the day for so many students as it currently is. So many students fear sitting alone and have lunch be the most deplorable part of their day. Let us not make this a reality any longer.
